Monday, February 22, 2010

Safety and Motorcycle Inspection Seminar

Capitol BMW is hosting a new customer safety and motorcycle inspection seminar this Friday evening, Feb. 26th, at 6pm. The seminar is free of charge, but we do ask that you RSVP to Jon Ross, Service Manager at Capitol BMW, so that we will not have too many attendees.

The seminar will cover proper riding technique and strategic street survival skills and is being given by Mark Brown of Motomark1 Specialty Vehicle Training company. After Mark's seminar Jon Ross will be giving some pointers on motorcycle pre and post ride inspection.

We expect that the seminar and inspection briefing will take approximately 75 minutes. Coffee, Cokes, and Water will be made available free of charge.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Feb 2010 Tips

MotoMark1 had a very successful brain storming meeting in January 2010. Our calendar is online and ready to accept registrations. We already have a full class for March 27th. We are offering smaller class sizes this coming year to give our students more personalized instruction.

MM1 will be offering some new training techniques for this coming new year. Please check out our website for more details.

On the safety side of things please remember to conduct a very detailed pre-ride safety inspection especially if your motorcycle has been sitting in the garage over the winter months. One thing I always do is run premium fuel in my bike. I'll fill it up with racing fuel periodically to really clean it out and it gives me great joy and I love the smell of real high octane fuel! IF they made racing fuel in a men’s cologne I'd buy it ;-)

Also please practice your emergency brake and escape techniques in a parking lot before going out on the road.

More next month and remember to DRIVE on purpose!
