Friday, August 3, 2012

We're going to the mountains!

MotoMark1 teaches the Basic Overland Confidence Course
Basic Overland Confidence Course
This has been a very big year for MotoMark1.  Mark has retired from the NC State Highway Patrol and is working full time on making MotoMark1 an even bigger success.  We've found a permanent home in Burlington as a central office and training center for our street courses.  We've taught corporations like GE and SAS.  We've taught a Police Motor Officer course and have heard a lot of interest in doing more of them.  We have developed a new dual purpose/touring course that is a completely new direction for MotoMark1.  It's held in the Great Smoky Mountains of NC and TN.  The first Basic Overland Confidence Course was met with great enthusiasm as the students proclaimed, "Got Training?  Get Some @ MotoMark1!"  Follow us on Facebook to see some great pictures from the first class.  Now is the time to sign up for this adventure as we have a special introductory price for 2012!

Now...even more big news.  We're teaming up with CrossRoads Harley-Davidson in Wilksboro, NC to begin offering our street course in western NC.  We have a great team of instructors in that area and they are very excited about this new opportunity.  Daniel Prevette, his brother David Prevette and Heather Lawson, along with Mark Brown himself, will teach Precision Maneuvering classes beginning in October.  Plans are to have at least one class per month through the end of the year.  We want to give a very big THANKS to Mike Lipford of CrossRoads HD for welcoming us with open arms. If you're in the area, please go by and check out the dealership.

MM1 instructors David and Daniel with CrossRoads HD's Mike Lipford

Check out the website for the complete schedule at CrossRoads Harley Davidson in Wilksboro, NC.  Interested in keeping up with all the news as it happens?  Follow us on Facebook!

Get Some Training @ MotoMark1

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Announcing new courses!

We've finally got it up and running.  THE BASIC OVERLAND CONFIDENCE COURSE offers training for the dual sport enthusiasts in the heart of the Great Smoky Mountains.  You'll get 2 days of on and off road training along with lodging and meals at the popular Iron Horse Motorcycle Lodge in Stecoah, NC.  You will hone your skills on a variety of the most beautiful and well-known routes in the western Carolina-eastern Tennessee area, including the Cherohala Skyway and many miles of beautiful, remote Nantahala National Forest dirt roads.  The class sizes will be limited so we can offer a significant amount of personal "hands on" instruction by a team of expert instructors with decades of real-world experience. Check out all the details on the website and sign up before the spots are gone!

Also, MotoMark1 is offering a Police Motor School in July. This is a full 44 hour course that will provide a police motor certification. The dates are Friday-Sunday, July 13-15 and the next Sat-Sun, July 21-22. This is a 5 day course with a long day on the second weekend to conduct night training. This course is not on the website, but we are opening it up to the public and Law Enforcement Agencies for those that might be interested. Here you can see Mark demonstrating the Motor Officer lean angle. This is one of the techniques you can learn. Call or email Mark for details and pricing.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New Class Offerings!

Mark's son plays football for Campbell University and he plans to attend those games, as a good father should.  ;-)  Now that the Campbell University football schedule is available, we've announced more dates for your favorite MotoMark1 classes. We've added NINE more Precision Maneuvering Classes as well as one more Dirt Bike and Adventure Off-road class. You can check out the new schedule HERE.

But wait, there's more!   We're still in the process of developing several new offerings.  Firstly, we've come up with a course called the Basic Overland Confidence Course.  This course is for all those with those dual purpose bikes that want to learn how to get the most out of their motorcycles.  It will include a day of street skills and a day of off-road skills.  It will be based out of Iron Horse Motorcycle Lodge in Stecoah, NC in the heart of the beautiful Smokey Mountains. This is a gorgeous area with plenty to see and lots of amazing roads including Deals Gap (aka The Dragon) and the Cherahola Skyway along with lots of great dirt/fire roads to explore.  We hope to run our first Basic Overland Confidence Course in July, so keep an eye out for more information as July gets closer.

Also, we're developing three half day seminars.  These seminars will highlight specific skills and will include classroom as well as driving work.  The seminars are four hours long and will be offered beginning in August.   They will include Curve skills, Two-up riding, and Braking/Crash avoidance.  We'll use the morning hours during the hot season and the afternoon hours when it starts to cool off.  If you want to work on a specific skill set or have limited time, these seminars will fit the ticket!

Always remember to DRIVE on Purpose!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


MotoMark1 is hosting it's first Open House to introduce everyone to our new location in Burlington. Please come out and take a tour of our new facility. You'll be able to meet some of our instructors, see our course layouts, check out the Triumph Tiger XC and more. There will be refreshments and door prizes for those that attend.

WHEN? SUNDAY, APRIL 29th, 2012 from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

WHERE? ~ 2727 Tucker St. Ext., Burlington, NC 27215 ~ Click HERE for directions.

WHY? So you can see our NEW LOCATION!!

HOW? By motorcycle, of course. :-)

THIS JUST IN ~ The NEW TRIUMPH EXPLORER will be at the Open House, thanks to Ray Price Triumph.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

We're now in Burlington!!

MotoMark1 has found a home in Burlington, NC. Our new address is 2727 Tucker St Ext., Burlington, NC 27215. We plan to have our first inaugural Precision Maneuvering class on March 31st. We will hold all of our street classes here and we have much more planned! We've been working hard to find just the right spot and we're still getting moved in and set up. We spent some time getting a course painted in and ready for classes.

Since Mark has retired from the State Highway Patrol, he has been going full steam ahead. We're planning lots of new things for the future including expanding our classes and attending more special events. We're holding special training for corporations at their site. Think your company might be interested? Let Mark know and he can set it up!

We have big news coming as we team up with Triumph Motorcycles to offer a new training tour. Details are being worked out, but this looks to be something special for Triumph and MotoMark1! Mark already has his new Triumph Explorer all decked out and ready to go.

Remember...always DRIVE on purpose!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Triumph Motorcycle for MotoMark1

I have some more good news. MotoMark1 was selected by Triumph Motorcycle Company to drive, test and evaluate the Tiger XC. We will be using it in all of our training, dirt, street and other classes. We will be taking photos and video to share with you and Triumph.

I need to say a BIG THANKS to Jordan and Kristi at Ray Price Triumph for taking delivery, setting the bike up and helping MotoMark1 get ready for this awesome opportunity.

Here is a picture of the new Triumph Tiger XC. MotoMark1 picked this up from Ray Price Triumph on Friday evening. This is a picture of Kristi and Jordan of Ray Price Triumph and Mark of MotoMark1. After some time on the Tiger I can describe it in two words... SMOOTH and SOLID!! Stay tuned :-)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The first of things to come...

It's official I have retired from the Highway Patrol!! We are pushing MotoMark1 full speed ahead in 2012.

1. We are offering Private One to One Instruction during the week, not just weekends. This is our "Advanced Street Skills by appointment only. We use Instructor to student radio communications and HD Digital recording camera.

2. We are also allowing students to bring their spouse or significant other with them to class this year. This will help keep them motivated and will allow them to do something together instead of spending the day a part.

This is just the beginning, MM1 will have more news to come so please keep checking in. Thanks, Mark